About Us

About MeHey hey, welcome

Before you wander off and explore my site just a little about me.

My passion is people, I am still the guy who will stop my car in the middle of the road and run across traffic to help someone I see struggling to load a fridge into the back of his truck, I just like making other peoples lives happy.

At heart, I am a fitness enthusiast who is passionate about helping others. I have been a fitness enthusiast all my life and for more years than I can remember. I enjoy all types of activity, outdoors and most of all love to spend time with my family.

I have been an avid athlete for most of my life, playing rugby (football) athletics, soccer, water polo, swimming and the list goes on….and that was just in school!

After my early education years and studying bio kinetics I ended up with a severe neck injury and took a break playing contact sports. Extreme sports interested me and got me fit again after years of injury rehabilitation. Many injuries followed but I managed to keep my activity levels up and completed some major triathlon events with a few Ironman completions under my belt.


Well I have run out of fingers and toes to keep count of the times I have been and seen doctors, had xrays or seen physio’s, I’ll never forget the words of one of the specialists I saw….”lad, I’d hate to be you once you hit your 40s, arthritis won’t be your friend” I laughed….hit my 40s, laughed again and boom…40 and a few days and I felt like I had been hit by a car.

Its been struggle street for me from there, and so my journey has begun.


I simply want to share with you what has helped me, what has helped other people I have helped, what works and what doesn’t. What NOT to waste your money on…and ultimately, I want you to be able to have the confidence in doing something where previously you weren’t. That’s a win for me!

If you ever need a hand or have questions, or if there is something you really want me to research further and post feel free to leave them below or send me an email and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


w. silverfoxintraining.com

e. garek@silverfoxintraining.com

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