Easy Healthy Desserts | A Healthier Dessert Option

Okay So I have a weakness, my Achilles heel to losing weight, yup like most people, desserts, sweets and ice cream.

Well, if Nobody was perfect, I can promise my name is NOT Nobody cause I just cannot resist a good dessert. We all know how hard it is to say NO to dessert, especially when it’s a family event or get-togethers with friends. There’s always that one person who brings her signature dish or that friend who always seems to have the latest and greatest dessert trend but what if there was a way to satisfy your sweet tooth without ruining your diet? If desserts are my Achilles, I think I just found my Superman cloak, healthy desserts, raw desserts that taste better than the real thing.

What are healthy desserts or raw desserts?

Raw desserts are, as the name suggests, desserts that are made without any cooked or processed ingredients. This means that they retain all the nutrients and antioxidants that are found in the fruits, nuts, and seeds that they’re made with. And because they’re unprocessed, they’re often lower in sugar than their traditional counterparts.

But Healthy is Boring!

Don’t worry, just because they’re healthy doesn’t mean they’re boring. There are tons of delicious raw dessert recipes out there that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. And the best part is that they’re easy to make! Here are three of our family favorites all thanks to Carolyn Hansen (ex body builder)

  • Fudge fudge fudge, our home staple treats now turned healthy
  • Chocolate Zucchini Cheesecake, this has become a favorite amongst our visiting friends and has become our signature dish everyone asks for when it’s bring a plate night!
    • It was a fight for our 3rd best dish, and I won with the Coconut Berry Ice Cream, granted the others in the family prefer the Heavenly Chocolate Mousse Pie but they are not writing this article

    100 Raw Snack Dessert Recipes?

    Right so I’m no Cook and I’m not going to pretend to be so I think its only right that we support Carolyn with her 100 Raw snack dessert recipe master class that is changing not only my life, but my wife’s sweet tooth for fudge too!

    Let us know your favorite recipe, snap a pic and add it in the comments!

    This is a nice short blog only because I’ve just seen the parking attendant arriving outside the coffee shop and I’m sure my 2hrs are up.

    Hope I have made your day knowing that we can enjoy a great tasting dessert or snack without that horrible “what have I done to my diet” feeling and the post sugar need for a 5km 9pm freezing cold walk!

    Till next time – G

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