MaxPro fitness review | The Portable fitness Machine

Are you looking for a way to get fit at home with, have limited space or just want that 1 piece of equipment that does it all? If so, you may want to consider the MaxPro fitness machine. This portable fitness machine could just be the home fitness machine we have all been waiting for. But does Shaq’s MaxPro really deliver on it’s promise of a great workout? Keep reading for my full review.

Name: MaxPro


Price: between $799 and $1045 (cheapest via Amazon)

Owners: MaxPro – main investor Shaq

Training Quality: 8/10

9/10 (Note*)

Finance options:

Return Policy:

Overall Rank: 8/10

Note* – I didn’t require support but all my emails were responded to in minutes and very helpful.

What is the MaxPro fitness machine and what are it’s features

MaxPro Bench

This is the same equipment as seen on Shark Tank, and Shaq has recently become their largest investor of MaxPro fitness machine because of it’s versatility and ability to help people reach their fitness goals.

If you are like me then you most likely have or had a garage full of random weights, kettlebells, possibly a battle rope an array of bands and well at one point I even had a squat rack, bench and Olympic weights. Once you add things like treadmills you are almost looking at a full home gym that eventually can enter into the 1000s of dollars, yup it all adds up. Going away for a holiday I always took gear with me, in my trailer, is gym gear truly mobile, portable and easy to travel with…mmm? I’m skeptical when people start saying this is the ultimate at home portable gear for all people. The closest I have come to portable gyms is my own body weight, maybe some bands or a TRX system (mentioned in one or two of my previous posts). I still love my TRX and I think it’s as versatile and mobile as you get.

So without further ado lets looks at the MaxPro fitness machine. It’s a gym system that offers a wide range of workout options. It’s unique design allows you to use it as a weight bench (with a very nice add on bench), elliptical trainer, rowing machine and all forms of lifts (squats / deadlifts etc) and obviously biceps and triceps.

Although I love the feeling of a kettlebell and some chalk, it’s gets extremely expensive once you start adding up all the different sizes and variation’s of weights needed from beginner to advanced, it’s expensive and where do you store it all?

One thing I loved about the MaxPro was the storage on a door, under a bed or the unique bracket mount for a wall (this would be my choice) there are even some cool videos of people attaching them to trees and doing joint workouts.

What I like:

  • The adjustable resistance up to 300lbs. Eliminating the need for multiple weights and storage issues at home.
  • It’s Light (9lbs) and great quality feeling – aerospace grade aluminum alloy
  • Adaptable bench accessory – loved this!
  • Wall rack mount – my choice of storage, looks cool and is super adaptable with varying heights.
  • Easy mount to a door, a tree or even a fence – yup a fence!
  • There is an app that offers tracking and workouts (I did not use the app but just a glance through)
  • 10ft of cables on each end is great as I have found in the past some machines cables are too short.

Is it truly a portable gym system

Is lugging about a MaxPro easier than my own body weight and a few bands – certainly not, but it’s a DSLR (professional camera) or drone more portable than your mobile phone – again no.

Are cameras and drones portable, absolutely! My Mavic 2 drone slings over my shoulder in a purse size bag and it’s worth the effort in lugging it about as the images are so worth it!

MaxPro is the same, I was truly amazed when one of the girls rocked up with a slick looking back pack and unfolded a MaxPro.

Attaching 3 of them to a tree was the selling point for me as I could then perform pull up type exercises which I would not have been able to do without a bar or a kids outdoor play gym.

So yes, it’s portable, it’s light and can offer more versatility than your own body weight, comes in a very slick back pack but for the skeptics…yes you still have to lug something about!

How does the MaxPro fitness machine work

Exactly as you would imagine…after unpacking on a mount or even on your bench it’s a versatile workout tool that can adjust or be used for any exercise.

What makes it tick

The machine features a power clutch that allows you to adjust the resistance level, making it perfect for both beginner and experienced users. The machine also includes a 300lbs weight capacity and an adjustable dial that makes it easy to find the perfect resistance level for your workout. The MaxPro fitness machine also comes with a Bluetooth app that allows you to track your progress and results.

Max Pro Tech Specs

Who is the MaxPro fitness machine for

Alrighty then…who is this baby for?

In truth, a bodybuilding or crossfit enthusiast might give it a miss as they thrive on gyms and their community and let’s be honest no one can see you PR at home or look at your weight stack on your deadlift in awe. That being said for the traveling fitness enthusiast I’d say a big yes. This would transform a hotel room, park bench or beach session, like I said I like my kettlebells and chalk but this stowed in my trunk for a holiday is a game changer, in other words no excuses!

I see a huge opportunity for people who dislike the gym, this piece of kit will save you 1000s of dollars. Likewise, our Silver Foxes / Vixens in training, avoid the gym, train in a park, or in your birthday suit at home.

It’s a Covid eliminator…for those concerned about what germs may be left around in public spaces this could be your answer!

What are people saying about the MaxPro fitness machine

MaxPro is currently trending and that’s good news as it gives us some great insight into customer reviews.

I had the opportunity to use a new one, not mine nor was I given one. It was relatively new and was owned by a friend who really looks after their things. As a result it looked great and worked great, she loved it and could not speak more highly of it. Misuse or handling of anything will see equipment damage or fading over time. I’ve read 100’s of reviews and 85% would buy it again or recommend. 2% of people have complained about damage or breaking but in reality if you go to Google and type in negative reviews of your favorite products you will get a list as long as your arm, likewise by searching the opposite. My best advice, if you think it’s for you then it is. Even better go try one. Ultimately I revert back to my very first post, what do we need as humans, we need movement. This portable gym will assist you in that so read reviews with a pinch of salt and make a choice on what is right for you.


Where to buy a Maxpro fitness machine

Right, so MaxPro isn’t cheap but what I really liked on their website is they offer payment plans or financing. This is an excellent service to allow anyone to buy their system.

So I’d firstly revert to the MaxPro site if financing or installments is what you are after – MaxPro site click here.

As always, if you look to shave off a dollar or five, good old Amazon has you covered. Amazon link here

Amazon MaxPro

MaxPro has a return policy as well, so you can purchase with peace of mind.

Hope you all enjoyed the review, for personal owners we’d love to hear more about your MaxPro and how it’s handling post 6months. Share some pics or even a video

Thanks – G

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